Sunday, November 29, 2009


Having taught for a sort of years, I hit found that there are lots of resources to present words: textbooks, videos, articles, songs, etc. Now the rattling challenging thing is how to help students retain words.

No matter the age group, I feel that first students requirement to mend the text in their minds.

Then it’s
important to encourage students to personalize words, make them their own. Next, I wage students with different contexts in which they crapper use these words.

How do I do every this? Using games. With games students get more participating than with exercises on paper. solon senses are appealed to, since games are likely to encourage students to touch things, to move, to visualize things, etc.

Games hit rattling made the acquisition undergo become more meaningful, dynamic and enjoyable to my students and to me, as well. Here you will encounter some ultimate activities/ games which hit proved to make acquisition effective.

These are activities I hit been using after presenting the newborn knowledge items to help students mend text in their minds. These activities haw also be useful to check whether students hit rattling grasped the message of a articulate before they start using it.

Flashcard Games Pointing
I place six flashcards (with a represent of the objects I am planning to teach students how to feature in English) in different places around the classroom. Of course, I make trusty every students crapper see the goal on apiece flashcard.

I feature digit of these objects, and ask children to point to the relevant card. When I realize students feel confident, I feature two or three objects and ask students to point to the pictures following the order in which I hit mentioned them.

I hold up a placard and, at the same time, name digit of the objects I would same students to mend in their minds. If the placard I am holding up represents the goal I hit mentioned, children are supposed to clap their safekeeping once.

If the placard does not represent the goal mentioned, children hit to ready silent. When I poverty to impact on pronunciation, instead of asking students to clap, I ask them to repeat the articulate only when the placard I am showing them represents the goal mentioned.

Touching cards
I indite knowledge text or stick pictures of the knowledge I would same students to mend in their minds on the board. I divide the class into two teams.

enrollee from apiece team comes to the front. These two students should defence with their backs to the board. If I hit cursive the words, I exhibit students the represent of digit of the concepts.

If I hit stuck the pictures on the board, I feature digit of the knowledge text on the board. Students are expected to turn round, grappling the commission and encounter the articulate in the first case/ encounter the represent in the second case.

The first enrollee to touch the articulate or the represent gets digit point for their team. If neither of the students hits the right word, they hit 2 minutes to go to their teams and ask for help. I use the option of hanging pictures with children who haven't learned the alphabet.

I verify students about me or I mention aggregation on current affairs or information about students using the knowledge I hit already presented and would same students to mend in their minds.

I ever
include some piece of aggregation which is not genuine and I ask students to surmisal which piece was false.

Once I hit checked students know the message of the text and crapper verify digit from the other I ordered activities in which they start using the knowledge we hit been working on.

I ever ready road of this
vocabulary. I conceive that for students to incorporate words, text should be constantly recycled.

Then, I ever hit game and a box. I ask students to indite the knowledge text we are working on on different game and we ready those game in the box. To recycle vocabulary, I carry out ultimate activities that requirement almost no preparation, just the incase and the game in it.

I divide students into two groups. A member of each assemble draws out a bill with destined knowledge item to draw. The other members of the assemble hit to surmisal what the enrollee is drawing. If they do, they reason 2 points.

The dictionary game/ miming game One enrollee gets a bill with a articulate cursive on it. This student defines the word. I ask the other students to surmisal the word. At times, instead of asking students to wage an oral definition I ask them to mime it. It depends on the word, the group, etc.

Tell us about you
I divide students into two groups: A and B. One enrollee from assemble A gets a bill with a articulate cursive on it and makes a declare about himself / herself using the articulate on the card. The aggregation given haw be TRUE or FALSE.

The students in assemble B surmisal whether it is True or False. If they surmisal they get a point. Then, a enrollee from assemble B gets a bill and makes a declare about himself/ herself. Now assemble A has to verify whether the aggregation is TRUE or FLASE.

The detective
One student, the detective, gets a slip with a articulate cursive on it. This enrollee should ask a question of another enrollee using the articulate on the slip. It should be a personal question.

This other enrollee
answers the question. The answer haw be genuine or false. All students surmisal whether the answer was True or False. The digit who guesses gets a point and becomes the newborn detective.

Story makers
I give apiece enrollee a articulate from the vocabulary box. I start a news as follows: “Once upon a time there was…” “Yesterday I…” “I usually…” I ask students to raise their safekeeping to add something to the news using the articulate on the slip.

Once they have utilised it I give them another one. Then, I ask them to ready road of the sort of game they hit used. Each time they should use more game than they hit used.

I give apiece enrollee 3 game from the box. I verify them that their objective is to place the game back in the box. Now they crapper only do this if during the following discussion they use the knowledge item cursive on the card. I choose a matter that goes well with the knowledge and that students are likely to encounter interesting.

I prepare some questions so as to ready the ball rolling. When the discussion is over if the whole assemble has utilised 70% of the game given they reason 10 points, if not I do.

We ever
ready road of points and do this state once a month changing the topic. At the modify of the year if students win, we hit a special celebration.

Last month I utilised the following guide to recycle knowledge attendant to entertainment, feelings, etc.:
- What kind of movies do you same best? Why
-What kind of movies do you dislike? Why?
-What kind of movies seem to be more popular? Why is that so
-How haw the different kinds of movies influence people?
- Is there any kind of movie you prefer seeing with your families? With your friends? With a teacher? Alone? Why?

All these activities I use hit something in common, which I believe is what makes them effective. Behind apiece state there is not only a communication purpose, but also a non-linguistic one.

What I
mean is, as a module teacher, I hit a communication determine in mind. I poverty students to use the knowledge presented.

Now that determine does not mean anything to students. That is why, more often than not, we modify up complaining that students are not motivated, that they are not selection to participate.

When there is a non-linguistic
purpose, activities turn out to be more meaningful to students. Thus, students get more participating and there is real learnin

As ultimate as they haw seem, every the activities I hit mentioned hit both a communication and a non-linguistic purpose. Language is utilised as a means of communication, it is not an modify in itself.

activities encourage students to guess, to endeavor and module is a tool they requirement to use in order to achieve the objective ordered in apiece of the activities.

I surmisal you crapper ever encounter a artefact of changing those activities that just hit a communication determine and conceive of a artefact of presenting a non-linguistic purpose, as well. In my possess experience, that has meant a world of a difference!

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